Can you afford to let another month speed by without refueling the real you?  

Like the heroes in our movies, real-world heroes often give so much of themselves for everyone else, they're left feeling drained, depleted and divided at the end of each day. And those days turn into weeks, then months, then years.
Hoping to refuel those inner powers through entertainment, substances and escapes leaves us feeling less fulfilled, less confident and more hollow in the morning.
The best strategy for regenerating holistic health is to get back in Flow.
Whether you're a busy professional or parent, educator or entrepreneur, physician or philanthropist, you don't have to neglect refueling the real you any longer.
You deserve a 31-Day Heroic Makeover.

The 31-Day Heroic Makeover 


Get the Restoration and Rejuvenation your Heroic Self deserves.




The demands placed on leaders and heroes by modern society have become so all-consuming, there's little time left for you, for refueling the real you - particularly at the depths where untapped powers for manifesting your dreams live.


With each accelerated lesson - delivered every day for 31 days via email or mobile app - you'll notice your energy grow as self-confidence replaces self-doubt, and that lost sense of Purpose emerges to repower your personal, professional and heroic selves.


31 Days Later

Imagine the confidence, connectedness, integration and relief you'll have a month from now after the weights you once carried become the gym that transforms everything.
Let's get to it, shall we?
You're just days away from that makeover feeling.
From the author:
 "Truth is what works."

Imagine 31 multidimensional and life-affirming classes - gleaned from more than 31 years of Character Change® sessions - condensed into minutes by Hero School® creator Tiger Todd, delivered to your inbox for the next 31 days. 

There's no limit to how vibrant and refreshed your inner and outer lives could be by this time next month.

Enjoy this sample video from the 31-Day Heroic Makeover:


What others are saying:


Something magical happened that I can't quite put a description on yet… At its core, a much needed reinforcement that I'm living my purpose in the world and to keep my focus on the behavior is necessary to sustain who I want to be and the work I want to do. Thank you!!!

-Alex, Higher Education


I have attended many seminars all around the country, but never have I heard anyone's speech to be more inspirational than Tiger Todd's. His speech was so perfect that it shook the whole audience and imprinted a little message in everyone's head, saying, 'You can do anything that you desire.' It made everyone a hero. Thank you so much for inspiring us.

-Cristin, Entertainment Industry


This note is way overdue. I want to thank you for what you do and how you inspire others to look outside of their world and into the world of the superhero within themselves. I had hoped by sending (my stepson) he might feel some inspiration to take action - and he has! We have had some very authentic conversations and I feel like he is on the road to becoming the amazing person I've always known was there.

-Alicia, Executive

The 31-Day Heroic Makeover 


Get access to 31 days of Heroic Restoration and Rejuvenation today.