Trust Your Gut

Uncategorized Jul 11, 2020


"Hear me now and believe me later." - Hans and Franz

It took the science community over 60 years to even begin to be qualified to scientifically confirm what Albert Einstein correctly hypothesized in the 1920s.

According to a Nader report, over 300,000 people die every year in hospitals from medical errors and misdiagnoses.

Waiting for a 7 year research study to be concluded before confidently taking heroic action that benefits kids, the oppressed or any other people who cannot help themselves will guarantee 7 years of failure and unnecessary sacrifices. 

Have you watched the news lately? Our little girly-man scientific solutions are getting their butts kicked by real problems in the Real World.

Historically, there have been numerous scientists including Sir Isaac Newton, Einstein, Madam Curie and Bill Hewlett who describe experiencing a breakthrough or “aha” moment when searching for a technical answer to a complex problem.  These were scientists who put their inner-human first, not last. New leading-edge research indicates that this ability “to know, without knowing” exists in our brains and can be learned much like any other “soft skill.” The truth is, intuition exists in every one of our cells because they are ALL thinking cells.

We now know that intuition (from the Latin word ‘intueri’ - "to look within") is an internal communication process that can be developed into an immediate source of reliable information. Often, it's even faster than Google or Bing.

While trusting one's intuition presupposes having developed one's own Emotional Intelligence - or "selves" awareness, as we call it at Hero School - many emotionally and socially unaware individuals have still been able to save their own lives by "listening" to the gut feeling that told them (in the Amityville voice), "Get out!"

What research will identify - perhaps in another 60 years - is that increasing the likelihood of having an accurate gut response is based not on the gut, but on the motive. Gut responses are scary-accurate when the motive is to help someone else, and scary-stupid when using others to help yourself. The trick is to be heroic, not selfish.

Trust your gut. Take action. Yes, it's up to you, and it's up to me. Scientific research takes far too long to ever do anything heroic. 

Trust you inner human powers now and let the unbelievers study the research that confirms your brilliance later, after you've already delivered the homeless from homelessness, saved the disengaged students from becoming dropouts and given the disadvantaged today the hope and tools to become independent and self-sufficient members of society by tomorrow.

Hear me now and believe me later. 

-TT : We're here to pump YOU up.


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