You've Got A Friend IN Me

You've Got A Friend IN Me

“The thing that makes Woody special is he’ll never give up on you. He’ll be there for you, no matter what.” – Andy, Disney's Toy Story 3 (2010)

Much has been written about "true" friendships, whether between characters like Buzz Lightyear and Woody in Toy Story, Riggs and Murtaugh in Lethal Weapon, "best good friends" like Forrest and Bubba in Forrest Gump, or between real-life relationship partners in the real world. True friendship, as defined in the Book of Proverbs,  "a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

The problem is real friendships can be messy. 
Members of true friendships are often made up of real life characters as dysfunctional as Felix and Oscar, Tango and Cash, or Rocket and Drax. Or Rocket and Thor. Or Rocket and anyone.

And yet, a magical synergy somehow blossoms between them. In friendship, the whole really is greater than the sum of the parts.

Sadly, those who've never believed in the best...

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